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There are scientific advancements that look promising for preventing and even reversing the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease.

Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive deterioration of the brain, first described in 1907 by the German neurologist Alois Alzheimer (18641915).

It is the most common form of dementing, or mind-depriving, illness, affecting cells in an area of the brain important to memory.

Alzheimer’s disease or Alzheimer’s syndrome most commonly strikes elderly adults, but it has also been known to afflict people in their late twenties.

People with Alzheimers experience difficulties communicating, learning, thinking and reasoning problems severe enough to have an impact on an individuals work, social activities and family life.

Alzheimer’s is the most common neurodegenerative disease in the number of people affected. It is emerging to potentially become the largest medical problem facing the elderly in the 21st century.

Currently there are as many as 5 million Americans living with Alzheimers and that number is expected to grow to as many as 16 million by 2050.

A new person is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s every 71 seconds, and because people are living longer Alzheimer’s disease has become a serious health problem that governments must face; this disease is now the sixth leading cause of death in America alone. Alzheimer’s disease is becoming tragically common.

Over 12 million people worldwide suffer from Alzheimer’s disease. The direct and indirect cost of caring for Alzheimer’s victims in the United States alone is more than $100 billion a year.

With these startling statistics, can anything be done to save our brains from this horrific deterioration? Will more seniors be able to avoid falling victim to Alzheimer’s as the elderly population increases? Are we finally getting close to a cure?

The conventional medical approach is limited to pain relief and controlling some of the related symptoms by using expensive prescription drugs riddled with side effects.

But in reality, extensive research reveals that proliferation of Alzheimer disease in society is a direct manifestation of our changed lifestyles.

When people around the world experience similar problems, it’s not a random incident but a methodical process spreading across cultures and borders.

You see, our lifestyle choices have gotten us into this mess. We need to make the right choices to get us out.

The fact is the exponential increase in Alzheimer disease is really the result of the way our lives have changed. The bad news is we are used to living a certain way now and it isn't easy to change. The good news is that change is in our power and with it better health.

One way to help lower the risk of dementia and one that you can have responsibility for is to change your habits of life, eat healthily and take regular exercise. Currently, researchers studying Alzheimer’s patients have noticed that those who stay healthy and take specific nutritional supplements have slowed down and even reversed the decline.

Yes, Alzheimer is NOT an incurable condition. Alzheimer is curable and CAN be reversed.

Everyday now more and more people are finding that they can start to reverse their Alzheimer.

Stay Healthy!

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